
Down Another Rabbit Hole…

March 16, 2009

After hearing the consistent refrain from friends and loved ones — why don’t you have a blog about Second Life? — I have finally decided to start one.  Why now you ask?   That is a very good question, but between feeling ready for a project that might help me somehow contribute to the Second Life community and deciding that I could try this without it letting it become a huge time sink, it simply felt like I should.  Let’s hope I’m right.

So what is this blog about? Well, because my Second Life is so much about connections with others, my blog is too.  My hope is that it will be is a mix of opinion and conversations with fascinating avatars who make up this world (and some silliness thrown in for good measure).   While I stand in awe of the technology behind Second Life (which may well involve Pixies for all I know), I’ve found that it is the people in Second Life truly give it its dimension and depth. This world has so many amazing, passionate and creative people who shape it to be such a wondrous place; I plan to have interviews with a wide range of people in SL to get a bit of a look at why they’re here.  It will also be a place where I can share other thoughts in more than 140 character bursts (ahem, Twitter and Plurk).  And if you’re reading this, thank you for being here!  I do hope you’ll keep reading.  Please feel free to send me your suggestions and criticisms as I grow and learn; your thoughts will help this blog be more interesting.

Finally, a special thanks to my friend Botgirl Questi for the title of the blog. I think she had other designs for it and appreciate her generously sharing her creativity.


  1. Welcome to the jungle .. now move down! clean cups clean cups! 😉

  2. Yay!

  3. Thanks, Grace and Dot! Let the fun begin!!! 🙂

  4. Yay, Lanna has a blog.

  5. Hey, Lanna! Reading this with interest. You are such a clever girl! One of the few with her head screwed on I think!

  6. Ummm……My name is charlanna….whats up with that?

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